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Dilfuza Narzikulovna Ibragimova , Trainee Assistant of the Department of Neonatology, Faculty of Postgraduate Education Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Dilshoda Turdiqulovna Akramova , PhD, assistant to the department of neurology Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan
Olia Askarovna Sharipova , Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Medical Genetics Department Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


Respiratory distress syndrome is a non-infectious pathological process in lungs developing in children in the first hours or days of life with acute respiratory failure caused by primary surfactant system failure, insufficiency of lung tissue, pathological processes taking place in lungs against the background of considerable suppression of vital functions of the body.           

Respiratory distress syndrome is one of the main causes of morbidity and death of premature and premature babies.



Respiratory distress syndrome, preterm and premature infants


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Dilfuza Narzikulovna Ibragimova, Dilshoda Turdiqulovna Akramova, & Olia Askarovna Sharipova. (2022). PECULIARITIES OF THE COURSE OF ASPIRATION SYNDROME IN NEWBORNS. Frontline Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Journal, 2(03), 128–132.